Toys That Fly

In Fiction on November 2, 2012 at 2:24 pm

Toys That Fly

When I was a child my father bought me a helicopter with a rotor driven by a rubber band. He wound it for me, and it climbed into a black sky freckled with stars.

Now, in my window, there are more stars than anyone has ever seen, adrift in a river of light.

At this speed, for us, time is nearly still, but everyone on Earth is long since dead – not just everyone we knew, but everyone who was ever destined to be, all the generations of men forever and ever.

When the crew finally dies, I wonder, what will our ship be then?

This is my post for this week’s Friday Fictioneers, hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields, the photo prompt for which was provided by Mr. Ted Strutz. Perhaps eerily similar to my last Friday Fictioneers story, Passing Time, I still couldn’t help going this direction with things (maybe my NaNoWriMo story has me thinking science fiction).

Anyway, the idea behind this story is a phenomenon called time dilation — a real thing, the slowing of time, that happens whenever you go really, really fast. It even happens when you take a flight in a regular ol’ airplane, but the effect is greatly exaggerated at speeds approaching the speed of light.

But enough science! Comment with your… comments… below, then click on the little blue guy up there (an alien, maybe?!) and check out all the other great stories the Fictioneers have written this week. Happy weekend!

  1. Like the serene scene you paints for us, imagine the loneliness in travelling away at that speed. Very well captured.

    • Much appreciated, sir! That’s always been the strangest part of the ‘time traveling twins’ paradox for me, what it would be like to come back to an empty planet.

  2. Hi Brian,
    We were both on the same page with this one, celestial travelers. I mistyped my link in the list. Here’s the real deal: Ron

  3. I like it. ‘Nuff said. But the last three or so posts I’ve read were all titled “Toys That Fly” and I kept thinking I was re-reading something. Very confusing. I need a Guinness!

  4. Wow… that was very good. Excellent set up with the first paragraph. And what an ending.

  5. I was thinking there was a theme being explored, here — time endings. This one is crisper, in a way, with the coldness of the stars and the structure of the ship but it’s also more poignant to me, with the touch of childhood.

  6. Very graphic story – I could imagine the scenario quite clearly. Well done.

  7. Very sombre and intriguing. Different take on the prompt. Nice work

  8. this one resonated with me, really liked it.

  9. Very bleak and well told.

  10. One of the best last lines and best titles of the bunch. (Loved everything in between as well.)



  11. “Earth is long since dead – not just everyone we knew, but everyone who was ever destined to be, all the generations of men forever and ever.” Sobering thought, especially since you put it in our time frame with the rubber-band powered toy helicopter. Well done.

  12. Brian, I have to admit…your mind and imagination goes far beyond my scope but happy for it bec. I learn so much. This story left me sad and lonely…as lonely as he must feel … being the last one in the Universe…or wherever he is. People the year 3,000 everybody alive today will be gone replaced by new people and generations…that is, if the world does not destroy itself by then.

  13. Very lonely. Well written.

  14. […] Selection: Toys That Fly // The Egyptian Miracle Man // The Mill in the […]

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