The Kingdom

In Fiction on April 26, 2013 at 2:30 pm


The Kingdom

In legend is a kingdom,
far-flung and rooted
in the perfect traditions of nature,

where trees,
heavy-hung with fruit,
line leafy walks (and there is time to walk them).

Are you there now?

For this Trifextra, since it’s such a nice day out and it’s almost the weekend, I thought I’d take a lighter approach (guess I’m just in that mood this week). The prompt was simple enough: Use at least one compound modifier and write a 33 word story.

I’m looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with. Head on over to Trifecta to find out!

  1. “time to walk among them”..that is what I desire right now, the time to embrace all the good.
    I liked this very much.

  2. This kingdom sounds like a lovely place. It’s always nice when we have time to appreciate the beauty around us.

  3. Nothing is ever really done. I’m planting chestnut trees. If they make it to their full glory, I will be long gone.

  4. Tis was a nice light break from. Good job on the win…

  5. Lovely piece Brian! I want to go to there!

  6. I can’t wait till I have time to walk them…

  7. Yes I’m there! And I’d like to stay there please! Nice job Ted! 😀

  8. Such a lovely piece-I was really transported there Ted,thanks:-)A great pic too!

  9. Oops,I meant Brian not Ted,my apologies-responding at 4a.m is not a good idea 😛

  10. This is such a lovely piece, reminding us of what’s most important in our lives – Are you there now? What a terrific way to end. What a perfect, perfect way to get us to think about our lives and our priorities and our excuses. Sorry – I loved this piece.

  11. I wish that I was there now. Sounds lovely although holding us to our past actions.

  12. This is awesome. I love every bit of it.

  13. I am far from this kingdom, but it sounds lovely.

  14. Ah, yes, the time to walk them. Great piece, Brian!

  15. I’m not there, but I kinda wish I was.

  16. If I close my eyes…yes, I can get there.
    Beautiful piece!

  17. Mmm, lovely. Like a dream. I’d love to spend some time there.

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