Awards Galore (well, two more)

In Writing on May 31, 2012 at 9:49 am

In the last week (while I was busy getting un-busied in the sunny south) I received a couple awards from my fellow bloggers. At first I was on the fence about posting another award after getting my first just last week (I wouldn’t want to water it down, right?) but I really appreciate these votes of confidence, so I’m going to knock these both out right quick!

First, thanks to Kathy McClure at NotForAllMarkets for the “Tell Me About Yourself” Award. She always knocks it out of the park with her short short stories, so it makes me happier than a puppy on a pork pillow that she thought to nominate me. Thanks!

And second, a gracious ‘gracias’ to ByAmandaLeigh for the Liebster Blog Award (on second thought, maybe I should make that a deeply-felt ‘danke’). She’s got swell writing advice and a witty way of workin’ them words, so if you’re not familiar with her posts I strongly suggest you check her out!

Now, since I’m doing two at once here I think I’ll just follow the rules for the Liebster and hand that one out. Here’s how it works:

1) Thank your Liebster Blog award presenter on your blog.
2) Link back to the blogger who presented you the award.
3) Copy and paste the award on your blog.
4) Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 bloggers with less than 200 followers.
5) Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment on their blog.

Well, now, that’s almost all taken care of except for the last couple parts, so let’s get on with it! I’ve been meaning to put together a more comprehensive list of all the blogs I’ve found helpful or writers whose stories I’ve really enjoyed, but in the time being let me single out these five:

I take these seriously and try to choose people who really deserve them, so congratulations everyone! My apologies if some of you have over 200 followers, but I couldn’t find the stats for everyone (some of you are so good I’d be surprised if you didn’t have more than that, but I couldn’t resist!)

My next step: Getting so many followers that I’m no longer eligible for this award (give it time).

  1. Congratulations on the two awards

  2. Thank you very much! I am so glad to have you as a reader! Good luck on your editing, Brian!

  3. […] I was given the Liebster Blog Award by Michael Tyler and Brian at Pinionpost. Many, many thanks to both of you, I appreciate it! Michael’s blog is no longer available, […]

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